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mygani studio logo

~Building brands through visual design

~Building connections through mentoring

~Building impact through innovation




I am a hidden meaning made to defy. The grasp of words, and walk away with free will and destiny. As living, revolutionary clay. ~Muhammad Iqbal



Mygani Design Studio & Mentoring Mamas:  Finding the Aesthetic Line of Corporate Symmetry Among Design, Marketing, & Mentoring


The potter’s wheel is turning. Her hands take hold of the clay in front of her. It is a client’s dream, a vision, a witty invention. The potter sees potential and possibility in this clay. It is more than an idea developed in a comprehensive business plan. It is more than a product, a service, or a business. It is a corporate enterprise that needs to be shaped into a brand. The potter notices innovative intricacies that the business owner is too close to realize. The potter works the clay into a visual aesthetic that will transform the business into a global landmark in its field.

As the mompreneur of Mygani Design Studio, Felicia Wright is a sculptor of visual design. Her design development manipulates her logo design, brand consulting, publication design, and event planning services into a collective of corporate creativity. Her past work with Duval County Schools, Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce, & other businesses shows her innate ability to grasp what a company represents, translating its message, creatively and accurately, to its target audience.

Not only is Felicia Wright building brands, but through mentoring, she is building a network of fellow mompreneurs through her latest project, Mentoring Mamas. Felicia Wright is the epitome of an influencer because she has the insight to mold brands and mompreneurs into viable voices in the business community.





F.Wright prof. pic  Meet Felicia Wright

~Mompreneur of Mygani Design Studio & Facilitator of Mentoring Mamas

Felicia Wright is a mompreneur and military spouse who owns, Mygani Design Studio, a certified brand consulting firm that provides creative marketing services to businesses. She has over fifteen years of experience in the marketing industry and has taught branding classes and workshops. Felicia is very active in the community and volunteers with several non-profit organizations throughout Northeast Florida.

Additionally, Felicia recently launched Mentoring Mamas™, a peer-to-peer mentoring program designed to support mompreneurs in addressing the unique issues they face in raising a family while running a business.

Felicia’s  Most Memorable Design Experience

One of the most memorable designs for me was creating the brand for the nonprofit Farrah Terpack-Hart Scholarship Foundation. Farrah was a friend and co-worker who died tragically in a car accident in 2005. The design was created using the color Sage, her son’s name, and also incorporated Farrah’s signature. The annual $1000 scholarship helps Orange Park high school students achieve their dreams of going to college. Projects like these are exceptional humbling and go far beyond my passion for creativity.

Felicia’s Nugget of Corporate Wisdom From Her First Year of Business

Mistakes will happen, it’s how you handle them that matters. Resilience is key!

Felicia’s Thoughts on Mentoring

I had the privilege of having mentors since I was in elementary school. They have had such a great impact on my life that I now mentor others. You never know what someone is going through and being able to offer them simple advice or encouragement can have a HUGE positive impact on them.

Felicia’s Advice on Balancing Work & Life

Through mentoring, conversations and resources, you have to find what works for you. It’s a process…what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for someone else. But as mompreneurs, we have the common goal of wanting the best for our families and creating a successful business model. Because of this… the support we give to one another is essential and helps us get through the challenging times.

The Idea Behind Its Inception: Why Mentoring Mamas?

After I had my daughter I wanted to start connecting and networking with other mom-owned businesses. But for obvious reasons I couldn’t take her to the traditional business workshops and events. I realized there was a need for a support group like this in Jacksonville.

I launched Mentoring Mamas™ in January 2014. I believe it will not only be a great support system for mom-owned business and their families, but the community as a whole. As a mompreneur, you are not only the CEO of your business, but the CFO of your household. In the United States there are approximately 75 million mothers, 85 percent of whom influence their household purchases. By creating this type of program for the Jacksonville community, we are creating opportunities for these mom-owned businesses to grow. And when businesses grow successfully, they are able to support and impact the community in which they live.

I hope that Mentoring Mamas™ will develop into the go-to resource for mompreneurs in the community. Helping them get through the challenging times as they raise their families and successfully grow their businesses… reinvesting back into the community they live and work.




Things Every Businesswoman Should Know Image taken from Google Images~Originally posted on www.flowingglass.com

Qualities  Every Effective Businesswoman Should Possess
***Image taken from Google Images


Having ten years of experience in the field as a mompreneur, Felicia suggests that to be an effective businesswoman, you should do the following:


1.         Have a POSITIVE mindset

2.         Be CONFIDENT

3.         Learn to say NO

4.         Focus on QUALITY versus quantity

5.         Accept that being IMperfect is ok





Image taken from Google Images







The Mentoring Mamas Brand



Our Mission:

Our mission is to be a SUPPORT-system for mompreneurs: addressing the unique issues they face in raising a family while running a business.

  Our Goals:

*Building Confidence

*Establishing Connections

*Embracing the Community

~We will offer face-to-face support meetings, workshops with business experts and access to women and mom related business resources.


Our Signature:

The program is geared towards moms who own businesses. As a mom, especially with young children, you wear multiple hats and there are no “days off”. This program was created to help support those moms as they grow their businesses and raise their families; not only as mompreneurs ,but as individuals. By supporting one another, we all succeed.


The Mentoring Mamas Experience:

Having the support of like-minded individuals that can relate to what you are going through is essential to your growth. As the creator and facilitator of Mentoring Mamas™, my goal is to see other mompreneurs succeed. As the brand develops, I want to be able to attend various tradeshows and/or business events helping promote the participants involved in Mentoring Mamas™. More than 80% of our moms are solo entrepreneurs; by creating this type of model, I am only offering a limited number of participants in our local program. Having a smaller group helps us really get to know one another and be in a better position to offer advice and solutions for our unique needs. In essence, we become “brand ambassadors” for each other businesses…success for one is success for all of us.


Our Call for Participants:

If you are a mompreneur and would like to learn more about our program, please contact Felicia at fwright@mentoringmamas.com. You will be added to our contact list and Facebook group for future correspondence.



Connect with Felicia!

Mygani Design Studio: http://www.mygani.com

Mentoring Mamas: http://www.mentoringmamas.com

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mygani

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/myganidesignstudio